Google Sheets Crypto Market Functions

Google Apps Script code with several functions as crypto market tools which can be used with Google Sheets.


In Google Sheets click on ‘Tools -> Script Editor…’ in the menu and save the code there. To get the value of a function simply enter =functionName(parameter1, parameter2) in a cell. For example: =getTicker("GDAX", "last", "ETH-USD"). If the Spreadsheet is in a locale which uses a comma as decimal mark you, need to use a semicolon as a parameter seperator. Like this: =getTicker("GDAX"; "last"; "ETH-USD").

It is pretty helpful to put a cell with a current date as an extra parameter to the functions like this: =getTicker("GDAX", "last", "ETH-USD", A1). Every time the date is updated all the functions will update themselves as well. A refresh button in the menu for this is implemented with the ‘onOpen’ and the ‘refreshLastUpdate’ functions.

The other functions are: